Monday, February 22, 2010

Lighting Effects in Photoshop


We will need a nice model image and some vector curves.
There are plenty to be found at Vecteezy and here is where I got mine.
All rights of these resources belong to their respective owners.

Step 1 – Setting Up Background:

Create a document of size 750 by 550px.
Set your foreground color to #505050 and background color to #000000.
Drag a Radial Gradient at the position shown in the diagram.

Step 2 – Cropping the Model:

Crop out the model with Pen tool. You can check out this post to find out how. Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels to tone it darker.
Open up the vector curves you downloaded from Vecteezy in Illustrator. Select the curves and press Ctrl+C. Switch back to Photoshop and press Ctrl-V. Select Paste As Smart Object.
Postion the curves as shown on the left.

Step 3 – Glowing Curves:

Duplicate the vector curves layer. Right-click on this new layer and choose Rasterize.
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with 2px. Set the Blending Mode for this layer to Color Dodge.
With Soft Eraser tool of 300px, erase those parts that are further away from the model.

Step 4 – Adding Color Light:

Create a new layer between the curves and the model.
Make a circular selection with Elliptical Marquee tool at the center. Go to Select > Modify > Feather with 30px.
Fill this selection with #D200FF. Change the Blending Mode to Screen and opacity to 40%.

Step 5 – Adding More Lights:

Using the same method in Step 4, create 2 more colored lights above the model layer.
The colors used are #F6FF00 and #00A2FF. Change the Blending Mode for these two layers to Overlay and opacity to 60%.

Step 6 – Creating Smoke:

Create a new layer below the model and draw a large rectangle with color #FFFFFF.
Go to Filter > Liquify. Using the Forward Warp tool with size 300px, push the white rectangle any way you like to form a wavy look.

Step 7 – Glowing Smoke:

Select the Smudge tool with size 200px, smudge the white wave earlier around the model. You can pull and push the waves around in any manner.
You can start to see nice glow of colors blending around the blurred edges.

Step 8 – Adding Point Lights:

Create a new layer on top of the rest.
Select a Soft Brush tool with #FFFFFF. Paint some white dots of various sizes along the edge of the model.

Step 9 – Stroking Paths:

Create another new layer on top. Use the Pen tool and make one or two paths similar to the one I had in the diagram.
Set the foreground color to #FFFFFF. Select the Brush tool and reduce the size to 3px. Right-click on the path(s) you drawn and choose Stroke Path.
Check on Simulate Pressure then OK.

Step 10 – Glowing Lines:

Right-click on the lines layer and choose Blending Options > Outer Glow. Set the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add), Size to 6px and Color to #00D2FF. The rest leave as default.
Click here to view the final image.



Perbedaan Windows Vista dengan Windows Seven

Perbedaan Windows Vista dengan Windows Seven


Sejarah Windows 7: Windows 7 sebelumnya dikenal dengan sebutan Blackcomb dan Vienna, Windows ini memiliki kennel NT versi 6.2 SP2 dari Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 memiliki keamanan dan fitur yang baru. Windows 7 adalah jenis dari Windows Server 2008 SP2. Windows ini dirilis pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2009, fitur – fitur windows 7 adalah: Jump List, Taskbar yang membuka program dengan tampilan kecil, Windows Media Player 12, Internet Explorer 8, dan lain-lain.
windows 7 ada 6 tipe yaitu

* Windows 7 Starter
* Windows 7 Home Basic
* Windows 7 Home Premium
* Windows 7 Professional
* Windows 7 Ultimate
* Windows 7 Enterprise

Perbedaan windows 7(Seven):

* Fitur Gadgertnya bisa diatur tidak seperti windows vista menempatkan gadget ditempat nya
* Cara mengistal seven tidak begitu lama (setiap Kompi Berbeda-beda loe)
* Tampilannya tidak jauh beda dengan vista
* Kecepatan Akses Windows 7 Lebih Cepat


Sejarah Vista: Windows Vista dirilis pada tanggal 30 November 2006, bagi kalangan bisnis sementara untuk kalangan pengguna rumahan dirilis pada tanggal 30 Januari 2007, Windows Vista memang dicanangkan agar memiliki keamanan yang lebih tangguh dibandingkan dengan versi-versi sebelumnya, aplikasi yang baru (seperti halnya Windows Calendar, Windows DVD Maker dan beberapa game baru termasuk Chess Titans, Mahjong, dan Purble Place). Selain itu, Windows Vista juga menawarkan versi Microsoft Internet Explorer yang lebih aman, serta Windows Media Player versi yang Terbaru, Windows Vista menggunakan nomor versi 6.0
Type Windows Vista ada 6 Yaitu:

* Windows Vista Starter
* Windows Vista Home Basic
* Windows Vista Home Premium
* Windows Vista Business
* Windows Vista Enterprise
* Windows Vista Ultimate

Perbedaan windows Vista:

* Fitur Gadgertnya bisa tidak bisa diatur seperti windows 7
* Cara mengistal Vista begitu lama (setiap Kompi Berbeda-beda loe)
* Tampilannya tidak jauh beda dengan Seven
* Windows Vista juga memperkenalkan fitur grafik yang jauh lebih “memikat”, yang disebut dengan Windows Aero GUI


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